Serenissima WallStriped textile wallcovering
BelmondoVibrant Stripes
Strange LovesStriped outdoor fabric
Voulez-vousStriped twill
Millerighe WallStriped textile wallcovering
Moka EftiFabric with bicoloured barré stripe
Deauville WallStriped textile wallcovering
Young And LovelyStriped outdoor
RegimenSartorial fire-retardant jacquard
AndaturaFire-retardant stripes indoor/outdoor from recycled yarn
AlumnusSartorial fire-retardant jacquard
CatinelleSartorial fire-retardant fabric with bicoloured stripe motif
MaitaiSoft raffia with a lively rhythm
Library WallTextile wallcovering
ReginaldoRegimental plaid
John Kelly 1763Ombré stripe print on wool
OzCombed barre
Tabulariga PiccolaStripe
Tabulariga GrandeStripe
Sn RegimenPolyurethane coated canvas
Ichi-go ichi-e
A colour of immediate impact, like the gestural strokes it expresses on an elegant basket weave. An instinctive brushstroke translates into a pattern of soft textural flock extending over an irregular ground, thanks to the artisanal technique of screen printing. Also available as a plain coloured fabric, Aristotele, it lends itself to seating applications.