KarakorumWool bouclé
NimbusSoft wool bouclé
LupoFire-retardant bouclé
DiapasonSoft water-repellent elastic bouclette
CaolinoBouclé texture
MammuthWool and linen consistent texture
SequoiaBouclé texture
LiberaOutdoor bouclé
BucaneveFire retardant bouclé indoor/outdoor
TweedledeeSartorial micro-bouclé
KarandashMatt wool bouclé
GimelMélange wool and linen bouclé
VukBulky texture
TweedledumSoft micro-bouclé
OolongLively textural pattern
Wuthering WindSoft woolly bouclé
SerafinoCotton and linen bouclé
RococòOutdoor texture
ArtemidorSoft Alpaca wool bouclé
OsloFire-retardant bouclé sheer
HibouSoft Alpaca wool bouclé
Ichi-go ichi-e
A colour of immediate impact, like the gestural strokes it expresses on an elegant basket weave. An instinctive brushstroke translates into a pattern of soft textural flock extending over an irregular ground, thanks to the artisanal technique of screen printing. Also available as a plain coloured fabric, Aristotele, it lends itself to seating applications.