
Stories and narratives to the discovery of textiles, places and inspirations.

Versi liberi
Versi Liberi emphatically reinvests the traditional textile genre of the placed motif.
Réenchanter la Villa Médicis
Dedar has contributed to refurbishing the historic rooms of Villa Medici in Rome, curated by India Mahdavi.
White Writings Mural
White graphic strokes trace abstract maps of linear purity on these wallcoverings.
White Writings
An immersion in white that takes us along a trail of discovery.
Coordinating Fabrics and Wallcoverings
A play of material and colour associations applies fabric to the walls.
Stromboli, Aeolian Islands, Sicily
Primordial and solitary, lost way out in the Tyrrhenian Sea, Stromboli is the most northerly island of the Aeolian archipelago in Sicily.